Our Library

New books from geophysical scientific societies such as GSA, EAGE, AAPG, SEG, and Geological Society of London are regularly acquired. Other books on remote sensing and satellite navigation and global topography are acquired as they appear. The Center also hosts the results of some 10 years of scanning of materials from the 100m of shelf space and 22 map cabinets (8 drawers each) in Dr. Hall's home library. The fifty years of journals from this library are now at Haifa University's Charney School of Marine Sciences, and the marine geological and geophysical books and maps at the Hall Map Archive at the IOLR in Haifa. These scans together with constant additions from the GSI library holdings are also available on the disk storage of the Neev Center. Data sets for the entire globe are also archived at the Center. Land topography and ocean bathymetry  sets range from the GEBCO 2014 and SRTM-Plus Bathy world grids at 30sec and finer. Regional sets such as EMODNet and MediMap Group are also available. Land grids at 1 sec (30m) from ASTER 2 and SRTM v3 are kept up to date, with efforts to acquire finer datsets as the satellites obtain them. LANDSAT 15m imagery for the world are also keyed into the 30m topographic sets.

* All data are available in high resolution at Neev Center




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