The preparedness of the ultra-orthodox jewish public to a devastating earthquake is essential for the success of any national program in mitigating the hazard. As is the case world wide in developing communities, the ultra-orthodox jewish sector is especially vulnerable (e.g. Stephenson and DuFrance, 2002). One of the key elements in improving preparedness is specific education and training for the disaster (e.g. Regional Office for South East Asia World Health Organization, 2006). This project will search for avenues to outreach the ultra-orthodox jewish public and improve the resilience of the ultra-orthodox jewish communities to an impending earthquake.
From the Hebrew University of Jerusalem:
Professor Agnon A. and the Ph.D students: Osnat Barnea and Yaniv Darvasi.
From the Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT):
Dr. Zvika Orr, Moshe Weinstein, Tehila Erblich, and Shifra Unger.